Hazel-Ann Stark
Hazel-Ann Stark L.R.A.D., A.R.A.D.
Hazel-Ann Stark is a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dance Teacher's Training College in London, England ( 3 year program) where she received her Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Dance in 1981. As a student, she received her RAD certificates from Primary to Advanced as well as Advanced 1 in the Adapt jazz syllabus and her CDTA Tap certificates from Primary to Teacher's.
Mrs. Stark has furthered her education at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, the National Ballet and every year for the past 40 years has attended numerous workshops and conventions all over Canada and the U.S. Many of her former students have entered the professional world of dance and many more consider her a mentor as they continue their own career in teaching ballet.
Mrs. Stark has adjudicated across Canada and loves to share her knowledge and passion for ballet with every student she encounters.